Drahí priatelia, s veľkou radosťou Vám chcem oznámiť že som získala QEP titul.
QEP je skratka pre Qualified European Photographer, profesionálny titul, ktorý udeľuje Federácia európskych fotografov (FEP).
Na získanie titulu QEP som musela splniť veľmi vysoké požiadavky na fotografické zručnosti, znalosti a moje portfólio dôkladne preskúmali aj ostatní špičkoví odborníci z FEP, aby posúdili kvalitu mojej práce.
Získanie titulu QEP je dôležitým momentom na mojej ceste profesionálneho fotografa, dokazuje, že moje fotografie a skúsenosti sú na úrovni špičkových fotografov v celej Európe, rovnako že mám fotografie vysokej kvality podľa medzinárodne uznávaných osvedčených postupov.
Srdečne ďakujem mojej rodine a Asociácii profesionálnych fotografov SR za všetku podporu.
Dear friends, it is with great pleasure that I would like to announce that I have received my QEP degree.
QEP stands for Qualified European Photographer, a professional title awarded by the Federation of European Photographers (FEP).
In order to obtain the QEP title I had to meet very high requirements in terms of photographic skills and knowledge and my portfolio was thoroughly reviewed by other top professionals from the FEP to assess the quality of my work.
Winning the QEP title is an important moment in my journey as a professional photographer, it proves that my photographs and experience are up to the standard of top photographers across Europe, as well as that I have high-quality photographs following internationally recognized best practices.
I sincerely thank my family and the Association of Professional Photographers of the Slovak Republic for all their support.

Book MY
Limited edition

A long-term documentary project that reveals the strongest stories of those closest to you.